After a way-too-short but very, very good summer in Nashville, it's back to school for this girl. I got to spend a couple of weeks at home before I moved back to Clinton two weeks ago for a week of intensive RA training. My first class was this past Tuesday night. I am exhausted already. I have no complaints, only slightly slowed down by a sinus infection which is slowly inching its way past my immune system. Nothing ridiculous amounts of water, vitamin C, & herbal tea can't flush right out; nothing a college sophomore with way too much on her plate can't take (considering who's on my side).
Currently I am sipping on some warm lemon mint tea in between bites of this one savory piece of Dove dark chocolate I have allowed for this night/morning writing session. (my wrapper message was "Feed your sense of anticipation" in case you were wondering...)I'm in for the long haul this semester, that's for sure. I am taking a 19 hour load of classes, most of which I really do like so far. I've got everything on track to major in Art Education (K-12) with licensure credit in Special Ed. (7-12) as well. I'm taking all art & education classes, except for British literature. I also have my 30 hours of classroom observation this semester, where I'll get to experience this crazy thing I want to do for the rest of my life (or at least some of it). So that's the school aspect. In other areas...I have adopted 36 freshman girls into my heart and life this year by deciding to be a Resident Assistant. So far, it has already been very rewarding. I have such an awesome opportunity to minister & God taught me so much last year as a freshman, I can't wait to see what He is going to do in their lives and how He can use me. Among those thirty-six, I have 6 international students from China! It's quite challenging breaking the communication barrier (for instance, try explaining what a microwave is...or better yet, an RA). They did pick out American names, so that is very helpful! Pray for these girls as they adjust to life in what other place than teeny tiny Clinton, MS. I also still have the job I had last year, which is tutoring/babysitting a 5th grade boy about 15 minutes from campus. I really like working with that family & it's great preparation for my vocational choice. I'm working some weekends at Lake Forest this fall too...including this one and the next. It is quite refreshing to get out of this place & be in the woods for even a short time. Ropes course work is fun, of course too. Especially the blisters.
Additionally, my sister being here is pretty nifty. She steals choclate milk from my frig and stores her dresses in my extra closet. We hang out sometimes too. And I am still dating Mr. Philadelphia, FYI. (nosy, nosy)
So...that is the plan for these next few months. Also, an optional social life will fit in when possible, but it's not looking positive.
Thank you for keeping updated on me & for praying for me. You are missed.